ok, i posted this question on funender but i'd like to do it again cause we have more skilled trainers here... what do the items do and drop them
Magnet - Increases Electrical Power - Polkadot Bow - I think it increases Normal Attack Power... - whismur Team Boost - Increases earned Team Points by 150x Amulet Coin - Gives 2x money X Speed - Gives more speed - voltorb Scope Lens - Not sure Leftovers - Heals HP Every Turn Charcoal - Increases Fire Power - Vulpix Darkglasses - Increases Dark Power - poochyena Silver Powder - Increases Bug Power - heracross Exp Share - shares an equal ammount of EXP to carrier - wobafet Kings Rock - Used to evolve certain pokemons... Not really sure of other effect. - hariyama Metal Coat - Increases Steel Power - magnemite
metal coat: used to evolve pokemon to metal types (scyther - scizzor) magnet: used to evolve to an electrical pokemon charcoal: used to evolve to fire pokemon kings rock: used to evolve to (not sure, plz tell me and i'll edit this post)
if you know more items and effects and which are needed to evolve to what, plz leave a message in this topic...
Dragon Scale What it does: Powers Up Dragon Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Bagon Horsea
Spell Tag What it does: Powers Up Ghost Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Banette Shuppet Dusclops Duskull
Kings Rock What it does: Flinch + Evolve Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Hariyama
Metal Coat What it does: Powers Up Steel + Evolve Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Magnemite
Poison Barb What it does: Powers Up Poison Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Roselia
Soft Sand What it does: Powers Up Ground Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Trapinch
Leftovers What it does: HP Restoration Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Spheal
Sharp Beak What it does: Powers Up Flying Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Doduo Pidgey
Miracle Seed What it does: Powers Up Grass Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Oddish
Silver Powder What it does: Powers Up Bug Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Heracross
Darkglasses What it does: Powers Up Dark + Evolve Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Poochyena
Pink Bow What it does: Powers Up Normal Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Phanpy
Polkadot Bow What it does: Powers Up Normal Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Whismur
Exp Share What it does: Shares exp earned with the pokemon you attached the item to. Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Wynaut Wobbuffet
Magnet What it does: Powers Up Electric Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Pichu Pikachu Raichu
Scope Lens What it does: Critical hit 3/5 of the time in which you attack. Where to get it: Trading in Team Stat points. Rank: Sergeant Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Absol
Charcoal What it does: Powers Up Fire Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Vulpix
Twisted Spoon What it does: Powers Up Psychic + Evolve Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Abra
Hard Stone What it does: Powers Up Rock Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Aron
Team Boost What it does: Increases faction gains to 300 after knocking an opposite affiliate opponent out if the opponent's pokemon is weaker. 750 points if the opponent is stronger. Where to get it: Trading in Team Stat points. Rank: Grunt
Amulet Coin What it does: Doubling cash earned after a battle. Note: The pokemon who is out when the opponent faints has to have the coin on. Where to get it: Trading in Team Stat points. Rank: Private
Power Boost What it does: Makes moves do 10% more damage. (Toxic/etc don't count) Where to get it: Trading in Team Stat points. Rank: Captain
Elemental Stone What it does: Makes moves do 50% more damage. (Toxic/etc don't count) and increases your chance of critical hit to 2.5/5. Where to get it: Trading in Team Stat points. Rank: Colonel
Rare Metal What it does: Nothing (Check 'How to use it') How to use it: 6 Rare Metals attached on your roster set + a specific pokemon as your starting pokemon + evolution gym unlocks Twilight Orb or Twilight Rod Where to get it: Defeating the Unown Tower in Battle Towers.
Twilight Orb What it does: Unlocks Unown Tower Phase #1. Where to get it: From rare metals + Fire pokemon + Evolution gym. How to unlock phase: Just have your starting pokemon with the item attached and go to the Unown Tower.
Twilight Rod What it does: Unlocks Unown Tower Phase #2. Where to get it: From rare metals + Water pokemon + Evolution gym. How to unlock phase: Just have your starting pokemon with the item attached and go to the Unown Tower.
Twilight Rod + Twilight Orb What it does: Unlocks Unown Tower Phase #3. How to unlock phase: Just have your starting first two pokemon with the item attached and go to the Unown Tower.
X Special What it does: Boosts Special Attack Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Articuno
X Defense What it does: Boosts Defense Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Moltres
X Attack What it does: Boosts Attack Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Zapdos
X Accuracy What it does: Boosts Accuracy Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Kecleon
X Speed What it does: Boosts Speed Pokemon(s) that hold this item: Voltorb
Note: When attached, X Special (Attack), Attack, Defense, and Speed add 20 points to your base stat in that category meaning that your move will do more damage.
X Accuracy makes whatever move you're using 10% more accurate. This includes OHKO moves in addition to all the other moves in the RPG.